The OCDSB is committed to creating inclusive, safe and caring environments. As part of this commitment, in support of our bullying prevention and intervention planning, our schools conduct school climate surveys using Tell Them From Me (TTFM). In April 2015, our school (First Avenue) surveyed students in Grades 4-16.
TTFM is an online survey tool that the district uses to collect anonymous and reliable data about school climate, bullying, school safety and student engagement. The TTFM survey was first implemented during the 2012-13 school year for students, and repeated again during the 2013-14 school year for students and parents. In 2014-15, only students were surveyed. TTFM is used by schools to give students a voice - students are able to share their ideas, thoughts or concerns about their school. Student input will help make their school safe and more welcoming.
To view a report on results for First Avenue 2014-15, click
To see the report on the Spring 2016 parent survey for Mutchmor, click here: