School Council


Welcome to the Mutchmor PS School Council website!

School Council is a fantastic way to connect with the school community here at Mutchmor. We are always seeking more parents, new ideas and volunteers to support our school through a variety of programs and initiatives. Everyone is welcome at any time of year to attend council meetings.

The goals of our School Council are to develop a strong relationship between home, school, and the wider community served by the school, and to enhance educational opportunities for all students within the school. We do this by seeking views and opinions of the school community on the operation of the school and acting as a liaison between our community and the school and the school board.

We strive 
to actively support the school in meeting the educational, social, and recreational needs of students. These goals are accomplished by organizing various initiatives, including fundraisers such as pizza days and the Mutchmor Book Sale, and community events like the Fun Fair and speaker series. Our playground committees focus on improving students' experiences during recess time and when playing in the yards. We also have a Parent Outreach Committee, which aims to share resources from our parent community with other schools and members of our local community.

To learn more about our School Council and its various committees, please reach out to [email protected], or drop in at our next meeting. We hope to see you there!


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